This week I made portrait miniatures to accessorise my costumes. I had been meaning to make them for ages and when the glass cabochons and the little frames I had ordered finally arrived I jumped right in. I took some pointers from the miniature making instructions
American Duchess posted some time ago and I must say I like the result. Maybe the glue wasn't the most perfect one to use, but I kind of like the "aged" look it gives to the pictures.
Dashing white sergeant. He's actually a captain, one W.S. Dawe of the Indian Infantry. I've had a crush on him ever since I saw the original portrait miniature in the V&A last year :) |
I couldn't resist this :) |
Major Samuel Ringgold |
I've also been working on the pelisse, the beading is coming along nicely. I think I might have to look for some ready made trimming for all those leaves that go on the front of the coat because I don't have enough fabric to make enough rouleaux piping. I decided to use my trusty tissue paper trick for the beading as well, to make the pattern as even as possible. I'm sewing the beads on individually and I like the result, it's much more stable and less fiddly to sew than if I had sewn on lenghts of threaded beads.
The cuff, still need to add another pattern row just below the piping |
Centre back |
Onpas mukavaa löytää lisää uusia suomalaisia ompelijattaria. Ja miten paljon kaikkea ihanaa oletkin ehtinyt tehdä.
VastaaPoistaVoi kiitos! Olen jo kauan ihastellut sinun upeita luomuksia ja oli hienoa nähdä niitä myös livenä viikonloppuna. Jäin muuten miettimään, että miten se sinun naamio pysyi kasvoilla, kun en huomannut siinä mitään nauhoja?
PoistaSiinä oli molemmin puolin kiinni ihon väriset napinläpisilkkilangat joiden päissä oli koukut jotka sai peruukin reunoihin kiinni. Ne oli aika näkymättömät ja mukavampi kuin se perinteinen suussa pidettävä nappi.
PoistaJa toivottavasti nähdään taas joskus jossain tapahtumassa!